Monday Marketing Minutes With

The Write Stephanie

You’ve Been Lied To.

You’ve Been Lied To.

April 26, 20243 min read

"Let's Talk:
Marketing Myths Debunked by The Write Stephanie"

🚩 Hold Up! You've Been Fed Lies!

Ever heard the spiel about posting endless reels or TikToks to grow your business?

Yeah, not exactly the golden ticket to success.Let's ditch the vanity metrics and focus on platforms that actually turn followers into buyers. Intrigued?

🚩 "LinkedIn is just for job hunters."

Sure, it's a powerhouse for job searches, but did you know it's also your virtual storefront?

Think personal brand showcase meets professional development hub. And guess what?

It's a goldmine for lead gen and business growth.

You've Been Lied To!

🚩 "Instagram and Facebook rule the lead gen game."

Think again! When was the last time you landed a big-ticket deal from an Instagram dance?

Yeah, didn't think so. Enter LinkedIn, where business talk is the norm. It's the secret sauce for B2B marketing success.

🚩 "Scaling your brand means shelling out big bucks for ads."

Not necessarily! Forget the hefty ad spend. I've turned content and organic lead gen strategies into a complete duplicatable Marketing Eco System that takes the guesswork out of how to get more new clients consistently.

Ready to uncover the truth and level up your marketing game?

I guarantee learning how to create and implement your own custom Marketing Eco System costs less than learning how to set up a profitable ad campaign and monthly ad spend!

Want the results but don’t have the time to diy? I help you outsource to a VA, and give them the exact custom to Your business checklist to use daily.

No more headaches about wondering what tasks to do daily, trying to figure out if they are actually doing the work or pretending to.

The lead gen actions alone will not work as a stand alone system, but added to daily effective content marketing pours fuel onto your marketing fire!

Content alone will not have people reaching out and handing you their wallet.

All those Live podcasts and interviews? they create a fan base of CONSUMERS but rarely turn into CLIENTS.

But Challenges, Workshops and Webinars work right? Only if you have and engaged audience and email list to fill it up. Trying to get 100 people to the event to talk to 10 and close 1 is very difficult to do with a cold audience that does not already trust you.

So, what is the solution? First, get really good at converting 1:1 conversations into clients through outgoing Lead Generation. They you will have more success and easier conversion in the 1 to many accelerated techiniques.

While you are working on that...

I will teach you the how to create, analyze, and improve the type of content marketing that will have your prospects telling themselves they have the problems you solve, and You are the solution to Their problems. This is through my 1:1 Start ups To 6 Figures Mentorship Program.

For the few highly qualified business owners, I will create and implement the complete Marketing Eco System in my fully Done For You Services.

I only take on 1 new client at full done for you services, for the summer, so I can spend time having fun with the family, so reach out Today, or chance being on my wait list.


LinkedInMagic #OrganicGrowthSecrets


Marketing system, lead generation, mentoring, LinkedIn
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Stephanie Emmett

I help businesses discover the gaps in their marketing program, and create a strategy to fix it! DIY or Done For You, Your Solution is The Write Stephanie!

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I help businesses discover the gaps in their marketing program, and create a strategy to fix it!

DIY or Done For You, The RIGHT Solution is The WRITE Stephanie!

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I help businesses discover the gaps in their marketing program, and create a strategy to fix it! DIY or Done For You, The RIGHT Solution is The WRITE Stephanie!

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