Monday Marketing Minutes With

The Write Stephanie

my Why

In Case We Haven't Met...

February 01, 2023β€’3 min read

For those that are new to me, I thought I'd fill you in on the "What I do and Why I do it story. Those of you that already know me, feel free to follow along or resume your regularly scheduled snoring… I mean scrolling! 

Hi there, Have we met?

I’m Stephanie, aka The Write Stephanie. (see what I did there?)

Anyway, it all started about 5 years ago. 

Jim, (Hubby) had been listed for heart transplant, and we were traveling to Denver once a month for his transplant clinic appointments. 

Although I could tell my employers when I would be gone months in advance, I lost my 

three jobs! 

I was sitting home scrolling Facebook, and a friend was needing help with her marketing, so I brushed off my skills from the courses I had taken in the past, and combined them with my writing skills. A mutual friend saw the difference in my friend's social media marketing and sales results, and she told me I should be in business! After a couple of gentle hints, I took the plunge, and The Write Stephanie opened for business! 

The good news is that owning my own business made it possible to devote any time I needed to my hubby and family, and make some money doing it. πŸ˜‰

The Great News, (I bet you were expecting the Bad news here, but NOPE!)

The Great News is that my Hubby has responded so well to medical therapy, he is no longer needing a transplant! In fact, his last test results showed his heart is now working better than it has since before 2004 when he had his aortic valve replaced! 

That is the How and the Why, and if you are interested in learning the What, keep on reading. 

I continued to take courses and hire coaches to keep my copywriting and marketing skills top notch. In fact you may recognize the names if you know marketing and copywriting leaders. 

There was one thing I saw and heard over and over again, and that was that over half of the people I talked to did not need or could pay for a copywriter. What they needed to learn was how to market themselves effectively! They even enjoyed creating content, but not knowing how to market themselves or increase their results, left them creating content that did not bring them more sales! When their content worked, (Like with my first client) they did not know Why it worked, or How to repeat it successfully for consistent income. 

The clients that had enough success and could hire me as a copywriter did not understand marketing, and were often frustrated by paying people lots of money to be their social media manager and Not getting the results they needed. 

So, I took what I had learned, and added Marketing Mentorship to my services. It has been a Great addition to my services, because it is the Same  Transformation, just over time:

Consistent income through Organic Marketing

Techniques to scale to 6 Figures and beyond

Creating a Cash On Demand Pipeline

In fact, I even created a course for those that only needed the knowledge in a self paced format. 

That pretty much covers the who why when what and how. I left out the where, because with an online business, you can do it from anywhere, and for any client location! How cool is that? 

If you have read this far, you deserve a reward! If you have your own business, there are lots of β€œtreats” on my website. It’s my business πŸ˜‰

If you are a friend or new connection, send me a dm and I will be happy to share a cup of coffee with you and talk about life!




Ps, the photo is my hubby and I on vaca in NC! My business will be paying to send us there again soon!

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Stephanie Emmett

I help businesses discover the gaps in their marketing program, and create a strategy to fix it! DIY or Done For You, Your Solution is The Write Stephanie!

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I help businesses discover the gaps in their marketing program, and create a strategy to fix it!

DIY or Done For You, The RIGHT Solution is The WRITE Stephanie!

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I help businesses discover the gaps in their marketing program, and create a strategy to fix it! DIY or Done For You, The RIGHT Solution is The WRITE Stephanie!

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