Monday Marketing Minutes With

The Write Stephanie

key to success

Feel like the Key to Success Is Out of Reach?

December 14, 20223 min read

I get it! I've been on the content merrygoround too. I've spent thousands on courses and coaches, working on midset and advanced marketing techniques till i realized that there were gaps in my marketing process.

Applying advanced techniques when I did not have the strong foundation to build on did not work, and worse yet, made me feel like a fraud, and I almost closed my business! It was only when I stopped chasing the latest trends and went back to the basics, that I found the gaps in my marketing system.

One of the essential things for every business is credibility. Every entrepreneur must have credibility to create a professional and thriving business that brings reliable and consistent income.

This growth is about switching from thinking like an individual or a hobbyist-hustler entrepreneur to having a mindset of a CEO - a true leader.

It's because you cannot expect to create the results of a professional business if you're running a hobby based one.

Before the year ends, I want you to answer these question for yourself:

Looking at my marketing results in 2022, would I hire myself to market my business?

Would I consider myself as the employee of the year that should be cloned many times over?

If your answer is "NO" or somewhere between, then the next step is to figure out what needs to change to become the BEST in 2023 🙂.

If you're a bit like me and have BIG goals for 2023 you want to achieve, you'll need to step up your marketing before you can lead your business to success

The process we follow and things we work on together is the FOUNDATION for your business for YEARS to come.

I'm always telling my clients, the difference between doing this work and not is hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's you becoming a successful leader of a 6 (or more) figure business … vs. you having "a jobby" for the next 5-10-15 years.

That is why I created the 90 Day Marketing Mastery Course.

This program will help you get clear on your Business CORE to know exactly how you stand out from the competition. Making sure that your offer provides and even or above exchange value for your peoples hard earned money is the place to start. This way, you can establish the know-like trust factor and your expertise with your audience.

Nail your Customer Journey – so that you are confident in YOUR VALUE & OFFER and get excited about marketing your business. No more gaps in the process!

This way, your ideal clients trust you and feel safe to engage with you and buy from you.

Just imagine if you felt EXCITED, CONFIDENT & COMPELLED to share who you are and what you do with your ideal clients because you knew Exactly what to say and How to say it! 

Sure we all think we have the basics down solid, but if that were the case, we would be seeing better results from our marketing. This course will stop the guesswork, and fill in the solid foundation for growth. 

This course is only for you if you want to:

Spend More Time Talking To Prospects,

Spend More Time Closing Sales,

Spend More Time Living The Life You Dreamed Of! 

Think about how … I can show you how to get your audience engaging with you, attract your BEST clients who buy from you, and become your biggest fans and word-of-mouth Warm Referrals Ever!

What would that mean for you and your business?

What else might change in your life?

What you do today creates what you get tomorrow.

Ready to get started? 

It All Starts Here:

For those that want to skip the middle and go straight to VIP:

Let's Chat!

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Stephanie Emmett

I help businesses discover the gaps in their marketing program, and create a strategy to fix it! DIY or Done For You, Your Solution is The Write Stephanie!

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I help businesses discover the gaps in their marketing program, and create a strategy to fix it!

DIY or Done For You, The RIGHT Solution is The WRITE Stephanie!

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I help businesses discover the gaps in their marketing program, and create a strategy to fix it! DIY or Done For You, The RIGHT Solution is The WRITE Stephanie!

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