Monday Marketing Minutes With

The Write Stephanie

What's in Your Marketing?

3 Steps to Improve Your Marketing to achieve financial security and freedom

February 17, 20234 min read

3 Steps to Improve Your Marketing to achieve financial security and freedom

Increase your revenue and decrease the hours you spend working your business. 

If you cannot step away from your business for a month without losing income, you do not have a business, you have a job. 

If you had an employer that treated you the way you treat yourself, you would quit.

When you switch from job owner to business owner, there is a fundamental change. 

When you can step away regularly, and your business thrives, you know that you have the system dialed in. 

We get stuck in providing the service part and do an amazing job with that, but we are failing ourselves dismally with the 360° Marketing aspect. 

You need a complete marketing system, not just posting on social media

To get that type of marketing, you need Three things. 

  1. Better Offer

  2. Better Systems

  3. Better Content

Better Offers are the foundation to better business. 

The Top 5 mistakes people make with their organic marketing:

  1. Having a generic service offering I’m a (fill in the blank)

  2. Market to only a narrow focus group and kill the interest of the algorithm

  3. Post content that has no purpose and where there are no measurable results from your marketing. (likes, shares, and comments cannot be deposited in the bank!)

  4. Spread yourself too thin trying to DIY instead of finding the solution to pay for help!

  5. BURNOUT!!!

    The Remedy for that is to create a Premium Offer.

1.What results (Currency) do you deliver? Do not sell your skills, sell your end result.

2. Is the problem that your offer solves Urgent, Important, or Common?

3. Why/How are You Different from others in the same niche?

4. What is the average Time Frame needed for your clients to Achieve the Results You Promise?

Once you have your offer dialed in, it is time to Communicate Your Credentials

When your prospects are clear on your Ability to Deliver on your Promise, they can’t wait to secure You as their Provider.

When you tell stories, use testimonials and case studies, you do the following:Your Prospects self identify with the struggle in the story.  Hearing how you helped others successfully achieve results,creates the desire in your prospect to get those results for themselves. Seeing how your clients get results helps your prospective clients sell themselves on your offer. 

Better Systems

I’m not talking about tech here, but an organized step by step system to achieve all your goals. 

While it can include tech if you have consistent enough income to scale through automation, the best first leverage is through processes and implementation. Once you have a clear understanding of the steps your prospect needs to take to move into client, you can create your marketing Client Journey. 

Until you can close sales 1:1 consistently, using advanced marketing tools such as One -to- Many, like webinars and challenges. The confidence you gain from your marketing system and the conversations and closing 1:1 will show up in your presentations, making them more effective, build your credibility and ultimately succeed in getting several clients from One presentation. 

Better Content

Your marketing content is the easiest and hardest way to get new clients. 

You have a lot of knowledge and life experience to draw on to create content, and establishing your Brand voice is best when you do it yourself in the beginning.  

You should not outsource content creation (copywriting) to someone else until you understand marketing, can get consistent 10 K income, and are ready to leverage your time so you can make more sales and help more clients. Then you can give your copywriter samples of your copy, and they can continue where you have started, matching your brand voice and improving the results regularly. 

You should be able to tell what the purpose of each piece of content you post is, and how it moves the prospect closer to the sale. When you have a 360° Marketing System set up. You can make sure your people move through each step, closing any gaps, and will be able to predict next month's income based on the ability of your marketing to move them through the process, and your ability to close the sale. 

Once you have the best offer, system and content, then the process becomes refined. You will be analyzing and improving every 3-6 months and scale to leverage your time and increase revenue. 

You can use tech for automation and efficiency, and then outsource the parts of marketing your business that are not your strong suits. You have a clear step by step process, and understand what your marketing needs to accomplish and how to accomplish it, even if writing persuasive copy is not a skill you possess. 

Once you reach this stage, you can repeat and refine your results until the sky's the limit. 

If you like what you read and want to learn how I can help you improve your marketing to achieve financial freedom, lets talk!

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Stephanie Emmett

I help businesses discover the gaps in their marketing program, and create a strategy to fix it! DIY or Done For You, Your Solution is The Write Stephanie!

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I help businesses discover the gaps in their marketing program, and create a strategy to fix it!

DIY or Done For You, The RIGHT Solution is The WRITE Stephanie!

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I help businesses discover the gaps in their marketing program, and create a strategy to fix it! DIY or Done For You, The RIGHT Solution is The WRITE Stephanie!

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